Enabling people and organisations
to make a tangible positive Impact,
for our World
exoImpact is an ecosystem of people and organisations
who seek to achieve sustainable growth
by developing solutions that deliver greater positive impact,
in ways that drive the waste out of innovation activity
Together, we strive to reach Sustainable Global Happiness:
Ever with the end in mind
Provide policy and strategy context around an intent to deliver Impact
Define effective pathways to Impact
Bring together innovation communities; guide productive collaboration
Commit their know-how, attention and energy
to solving important challenges of our time
Our mission
re-engineer and drive innovation ecosystems
to deliver greater Impact,
in more effective and efficient ways.
With, and in service of:
Frank Smeets
Michael Rivers
Mihaljo Nicolic
Mack Comandante
Renzo Pellandini
Fitter for Purpose