Everyone can make
a tangible, positive difference for our world,
to make humankind sustainable


The growth of humanity can become sustainable

Growth is possible in ways that reduce our footprint and impact on the world

Everyone can make a tangible, positive difference for our world

People are the drivers of change, not technology

Being outcome-driven is a powerful and unifying organising and operating principle

Can drive individual and collective delivery of tangible positive Impact for our world, and

Commitment to being impact-driven is the root of meaningful Co-Elevation


Enable people and organisations to make a tangible and recognised positive Impact, for our world. 

Together, we strive to reach Sustainable Global Happiness, where:

Impact” is the delivery of Public and Private Value, in ways that underpin the achievement of SDG-related goals, typically at national level or beyond

Sustainable is where the balance of Profit, People and Planet is intended or improved

Happiness is not about serotonin; it is a state achieved through the total resolution of overshoots and shortfalls,
on all dimensions of global socio-economic development


exoImpact is an Impact-driven ecosystem of Framers, Designers, Managers and Doers, orchestrated effectively
in a faster, more efficient and assured approach to discovering and developing solutions that deliver Sustainable Impact


By 2030, 1 million people worldwide are participating actively in our community, delivering positive impact together, and committed to Co-Elevation


The Why over the What, and both before How

System change over incremental improvement

Public Value over Private Interests

Commitment to impactful Action over intentions and ideas

Inclusion and empowerment over command and control

In discovering, developing and scaling Impact Solutions, we:

  • Explore with Humility

  • Reflect and Adjust

  • Accept Imperfection in Purposeful Action

  • Value Individuals and Interactions over Processes and Tools


We start ever with the end in mind, to drive waste out of innovation activity, to deliver greater return on investment – of attention, energy and money

Each individual takes responsibility for meaningful Co-Elevation:

Individuals are intrinsically and extrinsically motivated to make Contributions that increase Impact, drive Adoption and Build the value of the exoImpact community

They Guide, Motivate and Inspire others to participate, create, deliver Impact and Grow, in order to fulfil their own and our shared Purpose

We democratize decision-making and the ownership of impact solutions,
with equitable distribution of the value created by all


We re-engineer and drive innovation ecosystems to deliver greater Impact, with increased effectiveness and efficiency

We redesign impact operating systems, from Framing to Delivery

We guide and manage total ecosystem attention, activity and investment towards delivery of greater Impact,
in the manner of an Enterprise Innovation Portfolio

Via systematic engagement we increase impact capability, capacity and value, for individuals and organisations,
in the core exoImpact Community and the ecosystem as a whole

We advance towards Outcomes that deliver Impact by inspiring and investing in Others, bringing together diverse actors in unified collaboration

Framed by quantified Impact intent, we orchestrate stakeholders and high-performance teams to work systematically, in accelerated ways, to deliver investable, implementable Outcomes

The Community’s Impact is its Total Measured Contribution towards the achievement of Sustainable Global Happiness; we track and publish the Impact that results from the sum of all contributions

Via formal mechanisms, members are involved in community governance and investment decision-making; they participate equitably in value creation

Our activity is resourced through crowdfunding, as well as private and public capital